Course Review

This is my Course Review for my Object oriented programming class with Ken. First of all, my overall opinion on the course is that it is something really new, and the fact that Ken focuses a lot on us learning the concepts helps a lot with the learning curve of the topics. Also, I believe it’s better to learn Object oriented programming in general and then focus on a language that we need, instead of just learning Java por example.


What I think about the topics

The class is about Object oriented programming, and we’ve seen many topics, from objects to polymorphism and delegation. But honestly I think there should be a more interactive way to learn about those topics rather than just reading about them and trying to implement them from nothing.

Sometimes students who are completely new to object oriented programming can get lost because there are so many new things and they’re really different from what you’ve seen before that it just takes time and practice to fully understand them.

What I think about #AbolishGrading

I think this idea is pretty neat, it gives more freedom to the students and prepare us for real life situations. As an engineer you’ll never go to work and your boss will tell you “I need you to write a code that does X thing, but you can’t look anywhere to help yourself”, and after you’re done something like “Oh that’s good, but not great, 83” That’s just not real.

We as engineer students need to realize that a work or a project is about us working as hard as we can and fulfilling both our own and our teacher’s expectations about it.

The grading system doesn’t reward knowledge or how much have you learned, that’s why students cheat, because all they care about is a grade which practically means nothing if they haven’t learned anything.

What I think about Ken

This is the second class that I’ve had with Ken in my degree and I can honestly say he’s one of the best teachers I’ve had in my life. His ideas are new and fresh and he’s not afraid to do and say what he thinks is right for us. He’s not the typical teacher who just grades book summaries and stands up in front of the class room reading a powerpoint presentation, and we need more teachers like him.

Ken, keep up the work like always, don’t let some students too used to the old school system or other teachers thinking you’re crazy change your mind about what’s the best way to facilitate knowledge. Because we both know it’s not about “teaching” is about being a facilitator for students who actually want to learn and become better.


  1. fornesarturo · May 7, 2016

    I was, at first, on the side of “more Java, Ken, pls, we’re falling behind!”, but thinking about it now, I think I rather the conceptual knowledge. When it comes to OOP, I think that’s the point; not the language, but the perspective. Really digging your essay on grading leading to cheating.


  2. fornesarturo · May 7, 2016

    Don’t edit your comment, then forget about what you changed. One may forget a verb or two, particularly ‘have’ right after ‘rather’.


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