WSQ04 Flipped Learning / Abolish Grading

I just finished reading this post about abolishing grading.

It’s written by a guy who did really well in high school, but then he realized all his dreams about his education were based on getting good grades and not learning. It’s really interesting when you start thinking about it. Students actually care more about getting a good grade than learning something useful, we don’t see a new subject as “Will I ever need this in my career?” we see it as “This will be in the exam”.

It is said that students cheat because in our educational system grading is more important than learning, and it’s actually true. My dad is really strict when it comes to school,  so he always wants me to get the best grades possible, obviously as any person sometimes I fail to do so, and he gets mad. But he has never asked me “What did you learn in this class?”, instead, he asks me “What grade did you get?” and that’s it.

I think is BS that we focus so much in made up numbers that are supposed to be measures of our intelligence and dedication. We should appreciate the time each student dedicates to a subject. We shouldn’t tell students “You need to learn this, and in this way. If you don’t you’ll fail”. Everyone needs to realize you can’t test every person equally, we’re all different with different strengths and weaknesses. And our educational system doesn’t make use of it. They just ignore it.

If you support this idea, please tweet your thoughts and put #AbolishGrading.